Thursday, September 19, 2013

Palm Oil Replacements

I have always used Palm oil in almost every CP recipe I have ever created. Now the time has come for me to part with this troubling agricultural commodity. It's in so many products that we use daily it's almost staggering to think of how much of it is produced annually to satisfy our needs, lip stick, cooking oils and even bio-fuel.  At 38% of the worlds vegetable oil comes from oil palms. It far surpasses soybean oil production. What got my attention was an article I read not long ago about the deforestation and the fact that companies are taking the land by force to feed the ever growing demand for Palm Oil. People and animals are being forced from their homes for the land to grow this crop. Therefor, I want no part of this type of situation. Although I am one small consumer of the oil, I hope others join in and do our part to stop this demand from getting larger than what it already has.

I have been on the hunt recently to replace this vital oil in my oil collection for a few weeks now. I can not offer and encourage all natural products if my natural ingredients are wrecking so much havoc on our civilization. So this entry is to share what I have found to be suitable replacements for such a commonly used oil.

Tallow: the white nearly tasteless solid rendered fat of cattle and sheep used chiefly in soap, candles, and lubricants aka, animal fat. Not my cup of tea but it is an option. It is an affordable option and will produce a lovely, creamy bar of soap you are sure to love.

Spectrum Organic Shortening: This company makes a 100% palm oil shortening that is organic and sourced from sustainable farmers that do not have any impact on deforestation. It's in most Organic food Stores. I am totally digging this option. Cost is $7 for 1.5 lb

Generic Shortenings: On the bottom shelves of the super market we all dread. Most Generics are made with hydrogenated Soybean. Always read the label and make sure.

The use of Sodium lactate( and upping your butter usage will do the trick as well. Make sure the lather is adequate in the Soap Calc. Almost any soap will get harder with time. If you are doing more detailed molds the harder your soap is the less damage it might endure getting it out. Just spend the time and play with the numbers, you will find a Palm free recipe that works for you and Malaysia.

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